Seminars on Management – Asst. Prof. Peren Özturan
Seminars on Management series, organized by Kadir Has University Department of Business Administration, is hosting Asst. Prof. Peren Özturan from Özyeğin University on Thursday, March 17. You can follow Dr. Özturan’s talk titled “Can the Marketing Function Benefit from Socially Responsible Marketing? The Role of Legitimacy and Customers’ Interest in Social Responsibility” on Zoom.
Abstract: In a world where corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a meaningful trend valued by firm stakeholders, it is still not clear how the marketing department integrates corporate-level social responsibility strategy into its departmental activities i.e. socially responsible marketing activities (SRMA) and whether such activities can benefit the department. Using legitimacy as the underlying theoretical explanation, this paper aims to study two instrumental returns from SRMA at the marketing department level, i.e. marketing department’s performance – impact outside the firm on multiple marketing-related outcomes and influence within the firm – the power of the marketing department compared to other departments. Using two surveys and an experiment, this study provides a novel perspective on how marketing departments evaluate CSR in their daily activities where such engagement vests increasing returns to the marketing department and underpins the successful implementation of CSR.
Seminars on Management
Title: “Can the Marketing Function Benefit from Socially Responsible Marketing? The Role of Legitimacy and Customers’ Interest in Social Responsibility”
Speaker: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Peren Özturan, Özyeğin Üniversitesi
Date: Thursday, March 17, 18.00 (GMT+3)
Zoom Meeting ID: 872 6730 5311